Project Description

What are we building?

The project that we are going to build for this tech camp is a simple shopping app with the following features:

  • Get my profile

  • Get all products

  • Filter products by category

  • Add products to the cart

  • Increment or decrement products on the cart

The purpose of the project and its limited features is to introduce you basics of coding a standard app in a way that is scalable and easy to manage in the future.

These are what the screens of the application we are going to build would look like

That being said here's a couple of things to expect to learn with this project:

  • Bloc (Cubit) state management

  • Local state caching using hydrated cubit

  • Using DIO for Rest-API requests

  • Freezed for sealed class generation

  • JSON annotation for model generation

  • Unit testing with mockito

  • Widget testing

  • Auto Route for route management

  • Dependency injection using GetIt

Last updated