In order to use the blocs in your Flutter UI, you need to be able to access the blocs through-out your app. For example, you want to be able to do something like this in a widget. Provider is a term you'll see a lot in the Flutter world. In Flutter, it's used to describe a class that is used to inject other objects throughout your widget tree or scope, even when you're much further down the widget tree than where the objects are created.
Dependency Injection (DI) is a technique used to reduce tight coupling between classes thus achieving greater re-usability of your code. Instead of your class instantiating/creating the dependent classes/objects, the dependent objects are injected or supplied to your class; thus maintaining an external library of sorts to create and manage object creation in your project.
Some of the state management libraries such as flutter_bloc, provider incorporate dependency injection by means of the Inherited Widget model.
Now let's edit ProductScreen class in product_screen.dart
Inside the product_screen.dart file we created earlier put the following code:
The _CartButton is a stateless widget placed inside product_screen.dart that builds a clickable widget we will use to navigate to the cartScreen