A repository is nothing flutter specific. It's a design pattern with many implementations in many languages and for our case we are going to be using DIO. The Repository pattern implements separation of concerns by abstracting the data persistence logic in your applications. Design patterns are used as a solution to recurring problems in your applications, and the Repository pattern is one of the most widely used design patterns.
Dio is a networking library developed by Flutter. It is powerful Http client for Dart, which supports Interceptors, Global configuration, FormData, Request Cancellation, File downloading, ConnectionTimeout etc. Things that dio supports can be done with normal http library which we get in flutter sdk too but its not that easy to learn or understand so dio can be better.
Making your first http request with DIO
The above example will make a request to http://google.com and print the result.
Performing a GET
Performing a POST
Performing multiple concurrent requests:
Downloading a file:
You can create an instance of Dio with an optional BaseOptions